Monday, June 7, 2010

I'm back!!

Who missed me?
I spent a my friend's house and now I'm home to take care of some business.
I was CERTAIN that I'd come back unable to put on any pants, just cause that's how I roll. Contrary to my beliefs, muh pants fit!
I got on my jeans rather quickly this morning just to discover that I didn't need to suck in my zip them and my mommy pooch wasn't in the way. Fantastic!
I do think I did somewhat well this week with not eating everything in sight or everything grain while feeding the kids whatever was easiest each night (as two exhausted mommies will do). I had all serious intentions of copying my friend's Elmo DVD collection with my step dad's dvd burinin capabilities but with the nature of the way I left I forgot! Boo! Don't let minds wander - it was nothing to hurt the friendship or even involved with the friendship!
Now how I ate was NOT the bestest - but I was on my womanly journey through the bowels of hell - aka my period - so some is to be forgiven. And yes, my mommy pooch was down DURING that there period.
Its a miracle I tell ya!
Either way, I expect swelling tomorrow. Chinese food tonight, beef and broc ahoy!
By the way, I sewed up a quick waist band on my friend's longies (aka wool pants for cloth diapered kids) and it made me realize how much I miss hand stitching. Sewing machines are something I never did well, however I may try to make peace with my machine again after the move. I do think I'll get back to quilting. Not with a pattern, I hate quilting to a pattern. I think I'll just make a rag quilt for myself. Not for my kids. FOR ME!! HAHAHAHA! Mine. We'll see how long that lasts. I'll just start buying some scrap lots and make the most random ass quilt in history. That's the kinda thing that pleases me greatly.

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