Friday, May 21, 2010


I got a bill from my doctor's office. You know, one of those bills that they send you when your insurance doesn't cover the full amount of your visit? The ones they have no right sending you because the agreement is that you pay your copay and the rest is negotiated between the office and the insurance? That bill. Its a whopping $15. Meeeoooow that must be REALLY serious for them to not write it off, right? But...anyway.

On the bill it had the diagosis(s) that the doctor sent to the insurance. Lower back pain. WRONG. Its mid and upper back jackass, thanks for listening. Benign hypertention. Huh? Ok. And Simple Obesity. Simple? No sir, I'm quite complex, thank you :)

But on the other hand....Simple Obesity sounds promising. If it was that simple then it should be simple to get rid of it right? I'm just sayin, simple is a nice word.
I don't mind being simple in this one sense.

While I was out with my kids earlier I realized that I should have skipped the electrical training, skipped the medical assistant school, skipped the nursing pre reqs, skipped all that business management and accounting stuff and just gone to school to be a nutritionist. It would have saved me about $15000 and got me going a bit quicker. Wanna know why I didn't do it? I was chubby then - not fat, just soft. I didn't want to be the fat nutritionist! Then when I got down to average - not chubby, semi lean, good musuclar structure my then boyfriend grabbed my stomach and wiggled it and said something to the effect that I was pudgy and he liked it. No, I had a little loose skin from pregnancy and weight loss and I had a flap from my c-section. A LOT of c-section patients get a little pouchy flap that they just can't shake. Some are very fortunate and don't get it - bitches. Damn genetics. Anyway, I let that jackass screw with my self esteem. Then I stayed (!?!?!) for 3 more years and we planned our pregnancy, got a princess and he bounced. All the while I got heavier. Never again folks. Do not stay with a man who damages your self worth - even if he say it with a loving smile on his face - its not ok. That was the problem. He told me he loved me and called me his Queen and played with my belly fat. I was still losing weight up until he did that. Imagine - I let that comment and some ana internet ho's comment (she called my flap a spare tire - whatever, I'm so sorry I eat!) ruin my progress and MY self esteem.

Just sayin ladies - don't let your weight stop you from things that you have tons of interest in and don't let anyone's comments change who you are.

I also have someone that I lovingly(maybe) refer to as my Food Police. That would be my mother. "You're eating THAT???" yes mom, I am. "You think you should have that right now?" Why yes, I do - that's why I'm having it. "Em, I don't know if that's a good idea" ok ya know what - I quit. I'll just go to bed since I can't eat a freaking carrot!!!!
And yes, we have had that conversation over raw carrots before. Cause ya know, they're just soooo high in sugar, I should have an extremely over processed diet food instead. Damn you nature - damn you and your yummy veggies.

If you have food police repelant, please toss me a can.

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